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Growing Our Village,
Cultivating Community,
Flourishing Together.

Manchester Community
Action Coalition 

Manchester Community Action Coalition (MCAC) is dedicated to amplifying the voices of marginalized communities in New Hampshire, ensuring that people of Color, especially our BIPOC youth, have equal opportunities, resources, and representation. Our mission is to weave strong community bonds and drive community-led solutions that enhance well-being, belonging, dignity, and justice for all. Join us in nurturing and cultivating a thriving, inclusive community.

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About Us

Explore the mission, values, and vision of the Manchester Community Action Coalition (MCAC). Our vision is a Granite State enriched by diversity and justice, where every individual thrives. 


In the Community

Explore MCAC's community initiatives, including upcoming events, impactful programs, and insightful newsletters. Learn about upcoming offerings driving change and fostering inclusivity in our community.


Join the Action

Make a lasting impact in the community. Whether you choose to volunteer your time, make a donation, or join our Monthly Sustainer Program, your contribution is invaluable. Help us drive positive change in New Hampshire and get involved today!

Growing Our Village,
Cultivating Community,
Flourishing Together

Follow us on social media. 

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©2024 by Lilac and Aspen for Manchester Community Action Coalition (MCAC). 

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